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The Department of OBG addresses the healthcare needs of women from their puberty and adolescence through their pregnancy to Menopause and beyond like menstruation , conception reproductive disorders and Hormonal Issues.

Healing Earth Hospital now provides regular checkup to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefits both mother and child.

Children have a special place at Healing Earth Hospital . The Speciality designated “Women And Child Care Center” Provides the utmost care for this important segment of the society.

Women care center offers :

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology consultation
  • Reproductive Health Services
  • Pre Natal and Post Natal Care
  • Labour Services : Birthing through natural way
  • Garbha Samskara - Journey from Pre-conceptional to Post Natal Care.
  • Non Invasive Treatment Procedure for Gynecological Issues.
  • Lactation Counselling

Apart from effective management of routine gynecological services , the department has established various sub-specialities namely sexual related problems and endocrinology under the same roof , thus providing comprehensive care for related Issues such as Infertility , Depression , Preconception Counselling.

Endocrine Services covers a wide range of issues related to hormones like Thyroid , Pituitary , Adrenal, Growth Hormones. Pubertal disorders ( Delay , Early) , Menstrual Irregularities, Metabolic bone diseases like osteoporosis , osteomalacia and Parathyroid disorders.

Men at some point of life can have specific health issues which might be a result of any physical or psychological problems.These Problems may occur in adults of different age group.

Healing Blogs / Talks