Ayurveda defines health as ‘Swasthya’, which can be explained as ‘state of balanced metabolism, equilibrium of physiological functions (vata, pitta, kapha), proper production & elimination of waste products, normal functioning of bodily tissues with contentment state of mind, sense & self (consciousness).’
The key to prevention of disease & to maintain balance in state of health, Ayurveda emphasizes preventive and healing therapies along with various methods of detoxification and rejuvenation. These therapies are dealt under ‘Panchakarma’ and Bahya karmas.
This course helps the Ayurveda doctors to specialized in Panchakarma and keraliya karma’s where both practical and theoretical knowledge of around 50 treatments will be thought with the method of preparation its procedure, materials required for the procedure, preparation of the therapy room, and preparing the health seeker for the therapy .pradhana karma paschat karma, precautions during the treatment and after the treatment, Mode of action of each therapy, Indications and contraindications etc.
DURATION OF COURSE: 10 days (60 hrs)
TIMINGS: 6 hours /day
Course is divided into less of theoretical classes and more of practical demonstration along with interactive session. Practical training is given as hands on practice in therapy rooms and Ayurveda kitchen according to course format. Doctors are allowed to do every practical by themselves to learn better. Time given to the practical demonstration vary depending on number of candidates, Procedure and their willingness to perform.
Practical classes are conducted with well trained Ayurveda therapists under observation of Expert Doctors.
Who Can Join?
Internees & Healthcare professionals of Ayurveda.