This happened in the year of 2020 when everyone was facing lockdown due to COVID-19. A mother of teenage girl, who was around 16 years of age booked an appointment with me for a consultation. The girl complained of severe hair loss and grey hairs.
The consultation happened for almost 1 hours where the girl explained her complete history of her hair fall. The girl started to absorb the hair fall just three month before, as she explains she had very long beautiful hairs, which she was always proud of it. Initially the hair fall dint bothered her as it was very minimum, but gradually the hair fall increased and she also observed patchy hair fall and grey hairs.
Within a span of three month she lost almost 50% of her hairs that to it was a patchy hair loss and lot of grey hairs. Patient got shocked by seeing the condition where they were not able to understand the reason for it.
They consulted many Doctors where she was diagnosed for Alopecia, Alopecia areata is a condition that causes hair to fall out in small patches. She started with the medications but the hair loss continued. The Girl went in to deep depression when her condition was not controlled.
When she consulted me she was in total depression because of hair fall and her hair condition was very bad.
Sometimes we never observes the daily mistakes we do unknowingly which may effect on our health. This girl’s routine changed completely during the lockdown, her physical activities reduces, irregular food habits, too much unhealthy food, more than 10 hours exposure to mobile/computer.
Within a span of 2 months she started to put on weight, her cycles became irregular and her stress increased because of her online classes.
During the interaction, her previous medical history tells about her PCOS condition.
Ayurveda treatment for Hair fall is different from other system of medicine. Ayurveda treats the condition based on one’s Prakrithi that is inherent nature of an individual. Each individual is different from other and so its causative factors for the condition and the treatment.
The patient’s prakrithi was Vatakapha, which means she is ruled by Air and water, which became imbalance due her lifestyle and effected on her nutrition level and hormonal imbalance and caused the problem.
Ayurveda treatment for Hair related disorders concentrates on correcting food habits, lifestyle and daily routine.

First line of treatment given to her was a proper counselling, then changing and instructing a balanced diet, health daily routine along with these internal Ayurveda medication which can correct her metabolism, absorption and hormonal imbalance.
External Ayurveda therapies which can reduce her stress level, improve the scalp health and stimulate the hair roots.
The Ayurveda therapeutic module for hair fall which we adopted for this girl helped her to get back her hair gradually which she lost.
There is saying in Ayurveda don’t treat the disease or disorder, treat the person who is suffering from that particular disease or disorder.
Dr.Faridha Khanum (BAMS, MD)
Chief Medical Officer
Healing Earth Multi-specialty Ayurveda Hospital
HSR layout, Bangalore - 34