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Carpal Tunnel Syndrom

 Carpal tunnel is the passage way in the palmar side of the wrist that connects the forearm to the middle compartment of the deep plane of palm.Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition affecting the hand and wrist. The carpal tunnel is a space in the wrist surrounded by wrist bones and by a rigid ligament that links the bone together.Symptoms starts gradually with frequent burning, tingling, numbness in hand. Symptoms may often occur in thumb, middle ginger and half of the ring finger. As the symptoms worsen, people might feel tingling during day time, directed grip strength and make it difficult to form a fist, group small objects. Women are three times more likely to have it than men. It is more common in people who use computer for long time.


Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve which runs from the forearm in to the palm of the hand become pressed or squeezed at the wrist and causes symptoms like numbness, pain etc.Carpal tunnel syndrome is a median entrapment neuropathy that causes paraesthesia, pain, numbness, and other symptoms in the distribution of the median nerve. Risk factors includes those who have health problems such as arthritis, diabetes, metabolism disorders etc.


Wrist Movements,Median nerve carries information about temperature, pain, touch and control sweating of the hand.


Carpal tunnel occurs when the median nerve which runs from the forearm in to the palm of the hand become pressed or squeezed at the wrist and causes symptoms like numbness, pain etc.


Specific exercises and yoga are taught in Healing Earth Multispeciality Ayurveda Hospital where Ergonomics are highlighted in various disorders involved with job nature.Specific internal medicines and therapies aim at reducing the inflammation and thereby restores the normal anatomy and functions of the joint as a whole.

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