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Pain associated with menstruation is called dysmenorrhoea. Many women have painful periods, the pain makes it difficult for some to perform normal household jobs or school related activities for a few days. Dysmenrrhoea is the leading cause of lost time from school and work. The main symptom of dysmenrorhea is pain concentrated in lower abdomen, umbilical region, suprapubic region, it may radiate to thighs, lower back. Dysmenorrhea is most common gynecological disorder among female adolescence with prevalence of 60% to 93%. Sometimes it may be associated with vomiting, fatigue, headache, dizziness, and diarrhea.


Dysmenorrhoea is a medical condition of pain during menstruation that interferes with daily activities. Dysmenorrhea may present with different kinds of pain like throbbing, dull, shooting, burning etc. For some people it is very much severe. Uterus is a major female reproductive sex organ of most mammals including human.


Primary function is in reproduction by conduit for sperm transport.Uterus is the site for implantation of fertilized ova ,plancetation, growth and development of foetus.The uterus provide structural integrity and support to the bladder, bowel, pelvic bones and organs as well.

 According to ayurveda dysmenorrhea is not only due to uterine contractions but also imbalance in internal metabolism which is different factor.


Lack of exercises, sedentary life style, hereditary,Psychological factors like stress and anxiety etc.

Food habits:

Which includes irregular food habits, foods which are heavy, cold, unctuous, sweet etc.


Lack of exercises sedentary life style, hereditary.

Psychological factors like stress and anxiety etc.


Dysmenorrhea may be primary or secondary. It is called primary if there is no specific abnormality, and secondary when the pain is caused by an underlying problem. Dysmenorrhea occurs when hormone like substance called prostaglandins produced by uterine tissue trigger strong muscle contraction in the uterus and causes pain. As per Ayurveda, menstruation is controlled by Apana Vata and vitiation of Apana results in the manifestation of dysmenorrhoea.


Treatment of dysmenorrhea is aimed at providing symptomatic relief as well as correcting the underlying pathology that causes symptoms.

In Ayurveda, each and every patient is an individual entity and the treatment also differs from patient to patient . Dysmenorrhea can be successfully managed through Ayurveda. Lifestyle modifications like avoiding holding of natural urges,avoiding diet and exercises that causes aggravation of vata dosha are adviced. Dedicated female doctors who are specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics in Ayurveda are available in Healing Earth Multispeciality Ayurveda Hospital where they treat female related problems without any complications.

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