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Karna Dhoomapana


Karna Dhoomapana is a specialized and effective Ayurvedic procedure performed in order to cure the diseases or disorders which is related with the ear and auditory canal.

It comprises of two different words “karna-(which indicates ear) and Dhoomapana”-(which means puffing of medicated fumes into the ear).

This special procedure is been performed in health seekers after proper examination done by the consultant specialist.

Karna Dhoomapana is done by igniting a varthi (Vick) which is prepared out of combination of medicated powders and allowing the fumes to enter into the ear for a specified time as advised by the Doctor.


  • Helps to reduce bacterial affection of ear
  • Increase the blood circulation to the ear
  • Helps to reduce the ear pain


10 TO 20 MIN

The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.


7 days, 14 days

The treatment course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.


While blowing the fumes of varthi, the medicated fumes which has volatile property enters into the external auditory canal and reaches the tympanic membrane. Owing to its medicinal property and slight warm temperature, it is absorbed by the tympanic membrane which transfers to the tympanic cavity where malleus incus and stapes is present.

Due to its medicinal property it reduces the inflammation on these areas, clears infections and also it helps to stimulate the vestibular and cochlear nerves thereby helps in proper functioning of the ear.


  • Ear boils
  • Ear infections
  • Swimmers ear
  • Otomycosis
  • Cholesteatoma
  • Vestibular neuritis
  • Otitis media


  • Ear drum perforation
  • Ear bleeding
  • Miners diseases
  • Allergic disorders
  • High fever

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