Application of medicine to the internal surface of eye lid margin from kaneenaka sandhi (inner aspects) to apanga sandhi (outer aspect) with Anjana shalaka.
The application of the medicine to the outer (kaneenika sandhi) or inner aspect (apanga sandhi) of the eyelid is called as Anjana. Medicines in different forms like pill, liquid and powder are used in the form of Anjana. The Anjana may be applied either with a shalaka (rod) or finger.
- Nourishes tired, dry, rough and injured eyes.
- Strengthens the nerves and muscles of the eyes.
- Gives the freshness to the eyes.
- Increases the circulation of the facial muscles and Facial nerves.
20 TO 30 MIN
The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.
7 days, 14 days
The treatment course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.
Drug penetrates through the conjunctiva, increases the lacrimal secretions and improves the circulation.
As the drugs used are having theekshna property, it eliminate the doshas from the eye, eyelid, tissues, related channels and srungataka marma.
Benefits of Netra Anjana
- Nourishes tired, dry, rough and injured eyes.
- Strengthens the nerves and muscles of the eyes.
- Gives the freshness to the eyes.
- Increases the circulation of the facial muscles and Facial nerves.
- Refractive errors
- Dry eyes
- Conjunctivitis
- Watery eyes
- Computer vision syndrome
- Eye strain
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- Night blindness
- Ptosis
- Stiffness and roughness of the eye
- Corneal ulcers
- inflammatory lesions of the eye
Anjana vidhi is not advisable for the following conditions or diseases like
Srama, vegavarodha, udavartha, rodhana, madhyapana, krodha, bhaja jwara, sirodosha, sirasthana, netra aakhatha, sun stroke, pipasa, vomiting,
If anjana has given in above states causes netra roga (hyperaemia), srava (exudation), soola (pain), sotha (oedema), timira (dim vision), and difficulty in opening and closing the eye lids.