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Netra Seka

Seka is one of the procedures performed for eyes. Netra seka is a procedure where medicated liquids are poured on the closed eyes from a height of 4 Angulas (4 Inches) in a thin and continuous stream for prescribed time.

  • Itching in the eyes.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Burning eyes.
  • Dry eyes.

Treatment procedure.
The treatment procedure is divided in to three parts…

Purva karma(pre procedure)
Pradhana Karma(main Procedure)
Pashyat Karma(Post Procedure)


Selection of the patient:-
Selection of the patient for this procedure depends up on the diagnosis which is done with
Astha vidha pareeksha (eight fold examination)and Dashavidha Pareeksha’s(ten fold examination) which is done by a qualified physician
Selection of the medicine
The selection of the medicine for the procedure is based on the patient’s condition, the medicated decoction is selected depended upon the Rogi bala(Strength of the patient)Roga Bala(severity of the disease).
The medicated decoction is filtered with the help of a cotton so that there should not be any minute particulars in the decoction.
The person is made to lie on the droni, clean the face and eyes properly so that no dust should inter in to the eyes, after which slight abhyanga is done on the face followed with a mild sudation on the face and advise the patient to close the eyes.
The prescribed quantity of medicated decoction is taken a uruli and medicated liquids are poured on the closed eyes from a height of 4 Angulis (4 Inches) in a thin and continuous stream for prescribed time.
This procedure is performed for 20 to 25 min.
Pashyat karma(post procedure)
After the treatment the eyes are cleaned properly and the cotton which is dipped in the rose water is placed up on the eyes and advised the patient to take some rest
Benefits of NetraSekam

  • Nourishes tired, dry, rough and injured eyes
  • Strengthens the nerves and muscles of the eyes
  • Gives the freshness to the eyes
  • Increases the circulation of the facial muscles and Facial nerves

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