Putapaka is a procedure where lukewarm medicated juice (swarasa) prepared with the help of putapaka vidhi is made to stay stagnant in the eyes for a speculated time with the help of a prepared frame.
After tarpana therapy in order to restore the strength to eyes putapaka is done.
- Dry eyes
- Strengthening of vision
- Refractive errors
- Night blindness
- Corneal ulcers
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- Conjunctivitis
- Inflammatory lesions of eye
20 TO 30 MIN
The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.
7 days, 14 days
The treatment course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.
This procedure is done after tarpana and used to reduce the side effects of tarpana, it can be employed separately in conditions of chronic inflammations or irritating conditions of eye and ulcers in eye.
While performing putapaka, due to the temperature the potency of the medicine is transferred to the inner layers of eyes and keep them in contact with the epithelium. Thereby transferring essential elements to them. By its medicinal action, it helps to clear the obstructions in channels of the eyes, increases circulation, stimulates cells, and removes dirt and dead cells of eyes.
Both tarpanam and putapaka are the santarpana methods for the eye. Excessively nourished eye or oleated eye is brought to normal ph. by the help of putapaka. Hence putapaka always follows tarpanam
- Refractive errors
- Dry eyes
- Conjunctivitis
- Watery eyes.
- Computer vision syndrome
- Eye strain
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- Night blindness
- Ptosis
- Stiffness and roughness of the eye
- Corneal ulcers
- Inflammatory lesions of the eye
- Certain infectious eye disease
- Severe headache
- Fever
- Certain cancerous conditions