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Vasti Chikitsa

 Vasti karma is one of the main therapies used in Panchakarma treatments, that which mainly focuses on treating the disorders which are caused from the imbalance of Vata Dosha (One of the main basic element of our body). Because, Vayu is the motive force behind all physiological and pathological states of the body.

Vasti is considered as a complete treatment because it incorporates all the treatment aspects of Ayurveda in to it.

People are having a wrong understanding about Vasti karma, they always correlate it to the Enema therapy used in the contemporary treatment which is given to evacuate the faeces but the Vasti Karma which is explained in Ayurveda is entirely different from Enema,and helps to evacuate the Dosha’s(Toxins) which are formed due to the imbalance of Vata Dosha. 


  • All the neurological disorders
  • Gasto- intestinal disorders
  • Skin disorders
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Lumbar spondylitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Avascular necrosis
  • Fibroid uterus
  • Infertility
  • Underweight
  • Obesity
  • Kidney stones
  • Osteoarthritis.


The treatment procedure is divided in to three parts

Purva karma(pre procedure)

Pradhana Karma(main Procedure)

Pashyat Karma(Post Procedure)


Healing Earth hospital goes deeply in detailed history taking, and by understanding other health related problems, patient is subjected for examination, and assessment kala such as vyadhi kala or disease manifestation, Vayo kala or considering age, kriyakala or duration of treatment, Aharakala or depending on the diet of the patient. By assessing physical and psychological conditions of patient, Roga bala or disease severity and potency of medicines, treatments are given by selecting suitable medicines.

Preparation of the patient

  • Deepana Karma: Carminative procedure where medicines are given to the patient for maintaining adequate appetite or digestive power before the main procedure
  • Pachana Karma: Digestive Procedure is helpful to promote easy digestion with the help of certain special medicines and the helps to carryout effective main procedure.
  • Snehana and Swedana: Snehana or oilation is done in the form of external body massage or Abhyangam followed by which Sudation or Swedana is given followed by Abhyangam.


Abhyangam or external oleation will enhance circulatory system functioning including lymphatic system that triggers nerve plexus and also helps to drain the impurities through excretory system.

Soon after Abhyanga done, Swedana is done to make all morbid impurities to excrete in various forms, the procedure of Swedana karma promotes raise in surface temperature and core temperature of the body, and also the herbs that are used in steam is helpful to give localized benefits and vasodilatation takes place. As a result of vasodilatation and increased flow in circulatory system, the necessary oxygen and nutrition materials are supplied and waste products are eliminated accordingly.

Pradhana Karma for Vasti (Main procedure of Vasti):

Soon after Purvakarma of Abhyanga and Swedana. The medicines which are prepared under hygienic condition are kept ready for administration. The medicated substances can be medicated oil, medicated ghee and decoctions in liquids that are selected according to patient’s condition and are administered with the help of Vasti Yantra (Special device to administer medicines) via anal route.


The action of basti dravya or Special herbal medicines are mainly by their veerya (its potency). Basti is given in the trans-rectal route. Rectum has a rich blood supply and lymph supply and drugs can cross the rectal mucosa like other lipid membrane, lipid soluble substances can easily observed from the rectum.

This medicines starts its immediate action without changing its form since no digestion take place, it stimulates immediate mass peristalsis of the large intestine thus the medicine helps in immediate excretion of morbid materials (Toxins).

When the basti dravya enters the pakwashaya (Large intestine) this is where the water and minerals absorbs in proximal colon, sodium and potassium which are essential fundamental substances for nervous system will gets absorbed in colon and VIT B12 will as gets absorbed.

Behind the pakvashaya (large intestine) there are large number of nerve plexuses called as colonic plexus which are originating from hypo gastric plexuses(Which helps in curing the problems of digestive system) and lumbo-sacral plexuses(which helps to treat and nourish the problems related to spine and back bones)

Bastikarma helps to increase the absorption capacity of the colon by its action and finally it nourishes, purifies and also expels the toxins from the body, thus Basti Karma is a complete treatment according to Ayurveda.


Soon after administering medicines patient will be monitored for certain time period, vitals are taken, and accordingly patient is asked to follow special diet.

 After undergoing Vasti Karma in prescribed time, Special diet is given called as Samsarjana Karma. As metabolism gets transformed and in order to recuperate itself, the special diet will assist patient to improve digestion of food as well as medicines.

Healing Earth Multi Specialty Ayurveda hospital is keen in given specialized diet to maintain the health and that particular diet will help to improve adequate metabolism load.

 Note: The Team of Doctors in Healing Earth know how to select the patient for particular treatment as there are many types of Vasti, it is obvious that selection of treatment is also important and at the same time the Healing Earth hospital will not compromise in providing quality service to the patients by maintaining standard hygiene and special patient care that is very much needed while administering Vasti Karma.



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