Vasti or basti is a specialized Pancha karma treatment which is highly effective in treatments of vata vyadis (Ailments caused by vitiation of vata). Vasti involves introducing medicinal substances such as medicated oils, ghee or other herbal decoctions into the rectum (Therapeutic enema)
Vasti karma is entirely different from the enema hich is given to clear the bowels. It is one of the detoxifying and bio-purification therapy.
It alleviates constipation, distention, chronic fever, the common cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, vomiting, backache, neck pain and hyper acidity. Vata disorders as sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, and gout can also be treated by Vasti treatment. There are about 80 vata related disorders in Ayurveda. About 80 percent of them can be treated with medicated enemas.
- Vasti karma is an excellent therapy for the detoxification and cleansing of the body.
- Vasti karma stimulates the secretion of colons and thus provides a good health.
- It is known to promote the liquefaction of ama and mala (waste products) in the colon.
- Prevents aging of the body
- Promotes happiness, longevity, strength, agni, intellect, voice and complexion
- Brings balance to the metabolism (cleanses dhatus)
- It helps in curing all disease
- It promotes a robust body
- It enriches semen and ovum
40 TO 60 MIN
The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.
7 days, 14 days, 21 days
The treatment course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.
The action of Vasti dravya or Special herbal medicines are mainly by their veerya (its potency). Vasti is given in the trans-rectal route. Rectum has a rich blood supply and lymph supply and drugs can cross the rectal mucosa like other lipid membrane, lipid soluble substances can easily observed from the rectum.
This medicines starts its immediate action without changing its form since no digestion take place, it stimulates immediate mass peristalsis of the large intestine thus the medicine helps in immediate excretion of morbid materials (Toxins).
When the Vasti dravya enters the pakwashaya (Large intestine) this is where the water and minerals absorbs in proximal colon, sodium and potassium which are essential fundamental substances for nervous system will gets absorbed in colon and VIT B12 will as gets absorbed.
Behind the pakvashaya (large intestine) there are large number of nerve plexuses called as colonic plexus which are originating from hypo gastric plexuses(Which helps in curing the problems of digestive system) and lumbo-sacral plexuses(which helps to treat and nourish the problems related to spine and back bones)
Vastikarma helps to increase the absorption capacity of the colon by its action and finally it nourishes, purifies and also expels the toxins from the body, thus Vasti Karma is a complete treatment according to Ayurveda.
- Arthritis
- Neurological disorders
- Lumbar and cervical spondylitis
- Gastro-intestinal disorders
- Diabetes
- Urological disorders
- Gall bladder stone
- Psychological disorders skin Disorders
Fever: As the temperature might increase during the therapy
- Acute Inflammation
- Infectious diseases
- Certain forms of cancer
- Certain skin conditions
Severe sinusitis: Can get other respiratory complication
- Haemorrhagic disorders
- Indigestion
- Diarrhoea
- Acute illness
- Extreme fatigue
- Pregnancy